What's hard about telling your story? [Free coaching!]
HOW TO TELL YOUR STORY // What’s so tough about answering the question, “Tell me about yourself?” This week, I’m here to help.
Give Yourself Permission
WRITE YOUR OWN PERMISSION SLIP // How might you benefit from taking a break? What might be different for you if you did?
Want change? Stop avoiding this.
LIGHT THE FIRE OF CHANGE // Change requires conversation – and conversations can be hard. What might change if you threw some kindling onto the fire?
Take Your Recovery
GIVE YOURSELF RECOVERY TIME // What are the contractions of change you’re going through? Use recovery time to help you persevere.
The Secret Formula for Lasting Change
THE SECRET FORMULA FOR LASTING CHANGE // What if I told you there was a super simple, super effective formula that you can use to kickstart any change you wish? Would you believe me? (FREE DOWNLOAD)
The Secret to Building Confidence
WHAT IS CONFIDENCE? AND HOW DO WE GET MORE? // As we kick off the first Monday of 2021, let’s talk about what we can DO to make this our best year yet.
Stop Hiding Your Sweaters
WHAT MESS ARE YOU AVOIDING? // And what might you do about it today?
Turning Lemons into Lemonade
WHAT ARE THE GIFTS HERE? // Life always throws us lemons. What matters is what we do with them.
It's Time to Celebrate – YOU
YOU GET AN A+! // Grab your party hat and let’s pause to celebrate all you’ve tried, learned and accomplished this year.