It's Time to Celebrate – YOU

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I’m in the mood to celebrate.

Sure, the holidays are pretty much in full swing, even during COVID times – but that’s not what’s got me feeling festive.

No, I’m in the mood to celebrate ME.

Because I. AM. A. BADASS.

Ok, let me be honest: I am DEEPLY uncomfortable with the sentence that you just read.

It is not like me to think of myself as a badass, let alone call myself one.

I’m usually pretty understated. Calm. Measured. Diplomatic.

But you know what?

it’s time to get loud.

It’s time to celebrate.

My time – and YOUR time.

I know 2020 was an awful year. For so many reasons.

But I also know that it wasn’t a complete waste.

I’ve spent some time today reflecting on my year professionally – like my own personal Year in Review.

There’s no right or wrong way to do this, but for me it’s started with a bunch of questions:

  • What did I tangibly create or achieve this year?

  • What did I try and experiment with this year?

  • What mistakes and lessons learned did I collect this year?

  • What did I invest in this year?

  • What am I proud of this year?

And there are a few ways I’ve chosen to answer these questions:

Looking over my records to review the dates that mattered: new workshops led, new clients kicked off.

Looking over my progress list (a totally low-tech but very satisfying run-down of monthly achievements) to remember the milestones I hit: a client re-upped for more, I made a decision.

Looking over my physical space to scan what I created: the research artifacts I developed, the vision boards I made.

How will you measure how well your year went?

What grade will you give yourself?

Because, of course, for all of us overachievers out there – that is the next obvious question.

And you know what?

We did great. I know we did.

Seriously: we all get an A+!

That’s because what matters is that we showed up.

We tried and we strived and we showed up – every day, one foot in front of the other.

We gave it our all and we gave what we had.

We tried new things and we learned new things.

We reached out for connection and we went inward for empathy.

Whatever your year was like, you deserve to celebrate.

Because you’re here. And so am I.

So today, consider one thing you’ll celebrate yourself for.

Could be an accomplishment at work, a new commitment to yourself, a new milestone reached.

Could be big and meaningful, or small and meaningful. You get to choose.

But one word of caution: DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP.

Trust me, I am 100% that A-student who skips the celebration.

Who says, ‘Great, but what’s next?’ even before the ink is dry.

Don’t be like that.

Don’t rush to the next thing.

Go slow.

Pause and champion yourself. Celebrate yourself.

And I will, too.


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PS: Want to level up your celebration? Grab your party hat and join my FB community to share your celebration with me and a growing group of wayfinders just like you!


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