Turning Lemons into Lemonade

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We all know the expression, “Turning lemons into lemonade.”

Easy to say. Harder to live by.

Yesterday afternoon I got handed a big ‘ole pile of lemons.

Tart, plump, and bright yellow.

They landed like a thud at my feet.

And let’s just say I did not expect them. At all.

Today, those lemons were still there (what a surprise! They didn’t vanish overnight!) – and so it was up to me to decide what to do with them.

Should I let them sit at my feet and slowly decompose?

[The thought did cross my mind.]

But I didn’t feel like having a pity party. I didn’t feel like wallowing or whining or moaning about it.

So instead I put on my apron and started making lemonade – metaphorically speaking.

As we wind down 2020, I know we’ve all been handed a bunch of lemons.

More like truckloads of lemons.

How do you handle the lemons that life throws at you?

Sometimes we need a good cry. A good chance to feel sad and mad and let it all out.

And then, at some point, we decide it’s time for a different taste in our mouth.

Something sweeter, tastier, more satisfying.

Something hopeful, grateful, more purposeful.

I’m not saying we should brush off our negative emotions, or deny that life can be – and has been – very, very hard.

But I do believe that our negative experiences can be teachers. They can be guides. They can point us in the direction of learning and appreciation… and, eventually, lemonade.

What is the lemonade that can be made from the lemons at your feet?

What are the gifts in the unexpected challenges or trials you’re facing?

Today, play this little game with yourself:

Pick a recent challenge or obstacle you’ve faced. Then, turn it on its head and come up with 3 gifts this challenge is offering you.

In my case, my son’s school unexpectedly closed due a positive COVID case in his classroom. Suddenly I found myself without steady child care during a very busy holiday week of work.

I wanted to be mad – and I was, a little.

But I know there are gifts here. Many.

We’re healthy. He’s healthy.

It means more time together as a family – which can be hard work (let’s be honest) but it’s also the best work.

It’s a chance for me to slow down, to reevaluate what really needs to get done (versus what just feels urgent).

It means my days can be a little bit quieter, my mornings can start just a little bit later.

Let's be honest: there are still a lot of inconveniences and frustrations that come with this particular sack of lemons.

But again, what’s the learning here? What’s the gift?

Life hands us lemons – always. What matters is what we decide to do with them.


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PS: Last week on IG Live I shared the four things that stop us from celebrating our achievements, plus two key questions to help kick your self-celebration into high gear. Talk about making lemonade! Check it out here.


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