The Secret Formula for Lasting Change

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What if I told you that there’s a formula for lasting change – would you believe me?

Think about a change you want to make this year: New job? New relationship? New adventure?

Do you know how to get there?

I’ve been working towards a change – a pretty big one, in fact.

It’s a change in my business and how I work.

A change that I know is 100% aligned with my purpose, vision and strengths.

But it’s a tough change. A long-term change.

And while I’ve been working on it for a while, I’m still a long ways away from making it happen.

Every so often I feel like I’m making progress, but then I stall out.

I question myself and my vision.

I worry about the steps involved and if I’ve got them ‘right.’

I talk myself into believing that actually, things are just fine and dandy, thankyouverymuch, and no change will be necessary after all.

I talk myself out of believing that taking the risk is worth it.

I do all those things. And I’m betting you do, too.

We all know change is hard. 

But one of the reasons change feels so hard is because it’s murky. Ambiguous. Unknown. 

Like, how exactly does it happen?

So again – what if I told you there was an actual formula. For change.

One that lays out the exact ingredients for any successful, lasting change.

One that you could learn and follow to simplify the change you’re hoping to make – and immediately have insight into what you need to focus on next.

Would you believe me? I HOPE SO! 

Because today, I’m excited to share with you a new workbook I created that lays out this super simple, super eye-opening formula for change.

In this free guide, you’ll learn what it is, how it works, and – most importantly – how to apply it to the change you’re working towards RIGHT NOW.

Download it here. Give it a try. Then share it with a friend.

And one more thing:

As I put together this workbook, I had a lot of time to think about how this change formula applies to the big change I want to make.

I’ll admit, I got served a pretty big piece of humble pie with this one.

That’s because I thought I had this change all figured out. I thought I knew all the steps to take.

But when I went back over the formula for change myself? 

A few of those variables weren’t as clear cut as I thought. 

In fact, this formula for change led me to COMPLETELY rethink my strategy.

Working through these activities helped me get more clear, more committed – and more ready to take action.

And I bet it will do the same for you.

Download it now and let’s get going on the change you’re wishing for.


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