What if this could be easy?
WHAT BELIEFS ARE YOU READY TO CHANGE? // Exploring my own beliefs around hard work – and choosing to be patient while the dust settles.
The Power of Shared Agreements
LET’S DESIGN OUR ALLIANCE // How often do you think about how you work with people, rather than about what you create together? Here’s why the HOW matters.
Sharing My Vivid Vision
I DID IT! // I wrote my Vivid Vision – and now I’m sharing it with you.
What’s Your Vision?
WRITING A VIVID VISION // How might you visualize what you’re creating for your life? Join me this week to try it out.
Making Room for Paradox
EMBRACING CONTRADICTION // How can two seemingly opposite things both be true? As I move into a new decade of life, I’m learning this lesson firsthand.
What's hard about telling your story? [Free coaching!]
HOW TO TELL YOUR STORY // What’s so tough about answering the question, “Tell me about yourself?” This week, I’m here to help.
Give Yourself Permission
WRITE YOUR OWN PERMISSION SLIP // How might you benefit from taking a break? What might be different for you if you did?
Want change? Stop avoiding this.
LIGHT THE FIRE OF CHANGE // Change requires conversation – and conversations can be hard. What might change if you threw some kindling onto the fire?
Take Your Recovery
GIVE YOURSELF RECOVERY TIME // What are the contractions of change you’re going through? Use recovery time to help you persevere.