Sharing My Vivid Vision

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“Do not be surprised by how fast the Universe will respond once you decide.”

This quote is the opening line in a new book I’m reading called Be. And, like so many things that have happened this week, I’m taking it as a sign.

A sign that the Universe is starting to respond – to me.

One week ago, I wrote my "Vivid Vision" – a 5-page narrative of where I imagine my life in five years. 

And in the 7 days since, I’ve watched my world shift as I started to believe and work towards what I wrote. 

Some of the shifts I noticed this week are outer ones: new connection requests, new conversations, new plans. 

Others have been inner shifts: how I feel about myself, how I carry myself, what I believe I'm capable of.

No doubt about it: I decided something big last week, and the Universe is moving quickly – already – to respond. 

And because I believe the Universe gives out extra credit for honesty and authenticity, I’m choosing to share my Vivid Vision with you.

Am I scared? Actually, yes. This makes me feel incredibly vulnerable and exposed.

But also, no. Because I’m certain that when my Vivid Vision becomes real, you’re going to see it anyway. Sooner or later, you’ll know it – because it will have happened.

What is the Vivid Vision you're deciding for yourself? 

And how can you make your intentions known so the Universe can start aligning to make it real for you?

Read mine here – then share yours with me.


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The Power of Shared Agreements


What’s Your Vision?