Weekly Wayfinder – January 15, 2018
Welcome to the Weekly Wayfinder, a curated list of wayfinding-related inspiration, ideas, activities and fun stuff to click on and learn from.
Hard Work is Hard
When I think about wayfinding and how to define it, I’ve often talked about it as navigating the path between work and life. If wayfinding is about navigation, then let’s just say this week I’ve steered off course.
Weekly Wayfinder – January 8, 2017
Welcome to the Weekly Wayfinder, a curated list of wayfinding-related inspiration, ideas, activities and fun stuff to click on and learn from.
Getting Low and Going with the Flow
This time of year, we’re all about resolutions and intentions. But what do we do when life throws us an unexpected curveball and our plans go out the window? How might we adjust, adapt and move forward?
Welcome, 2018!
Happy New Year, wayfinders! As we round the corner into 2018, I want to take a moment to express my gratitude and appreciation for all of you who have joined this wayfinding journey with me
Friday Finds – December 15, 2017
Finding courage, taking a sleep vacation, and watering the weeds. To spark your exploration this weekend, check out what we’ve enjoyed this week.
The Beliefs We Carry
Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about, well, thinking – and how what we think and believe about ourselves informs what we do. How often do you consider the beliefs you hold, and question whether they’re still true?
Friday Finds – December 8, 2017
Practice makes perfect, finding confidence through repetition, and pulling on the thread of inspiration. To spark your exploration this weekend, check out what we’ve enjoyed this week.
You Are Exactly Where You Need to Be
If the grass is always greener, what happens if right now we’re standing on a patch of dead, brown hay? Check out how to make sense of the spot you're standing in now, while also preparing for the journey ahead.