5 Tools for Mindful Decision-Making
Wayfinding is the regular practice of making thoughtful decisions related to our purpose and our potential at work and in life. But how do we know when we’re making a good decision? The first step is becoming mindful observers and investigators of ourselves.
Friday Finds – December 1, 2017
Weekends are a great time to clear space and make room for new inspirations and insights to emerge. To spark your own exploration this weekend, here’s what we’ve enjoyed this week.
Stepping Forward into Growth
I’ve been thinking a lot about decisions lately: how do we as wayfinders know when it’s time to step forward into growth? When might it actually be better to step backward and feel safe?
Friday Finds – November 17, 2017
Weekends are a great time to clear space – literally and figuratively – and make room for new inspirations and insights to emerge. To spark your own exploration this weekend, here’s what we’ve enjoyed this week.
You Don't Need Closure to Move On
Normally we think of carrying baggage from one romantic relationship to another. But what about the emotional injuries and bruises that we collect at work? How might we understand the baggage we hold to enter into new professional relationships with optimism and trust?
Friday Finds – November 10, 2017
Weekends are a great time to clear space – literally and figuratively – and make room for new inspirations and insights to emerge. To spark your own exploration this weekend, here’s what we’ve enjoyed this week
Constraints and Creative Incubation
Even with the best laid plans, life can get in the way sometimes. How might we see constraints not as obstacles that stop us from making progress, but rather as creative incubators that help our early ideas grow with time?
Friday Finds – November 3, 2017
Weekends are a great time to clear space – literally and figuratively – and make room for new inspirations and insights to emerge. To spark your own exploration this weekend, here’s what we’ve enjoyed this week
Relaxing into Revelation
When we’re making a shift – any shift, really, but especially when it comes to finding our way and navigating our path at work and in life – things never seem to happen fast enough. How might we make sense of this waiting period, and might we be able to make it work for us?