My pledge as your coach
Before I go even one step further in building my business or growing my client base, I need you (and everyone) to know how I do things.
Adopt the Mindset of Iteration
What’s the smallest, fastest, cheapest thing you can do or try to help you learn the most – right now? It starts with thinking iteratively.
What are you learning?
WHAT’S ON YOUR BOOKSHELF? // We’ve reached the halfway mark of 2021 and I’m sharing my Top 10 reads so far. Check them out, then share what you’re reading and learning these days.
What growth feels like
THE OBSTACLE IS THE PATH // Growth is uncomfortable, makes us queasy, and is our only way forward.
Remembering the power of community
THE POWER OF COMMUNITY // As we unfold into our new normal, it’s time to remember why community is so important – and where to find it.
The Universe's To-Do List
LET’S TALK ABOUT A NEW KIND OF DELEGATION // What might shift for you by inviting the Universe to help you tackle your to-do list?
Sharing My Vivid Vision
I DID IT! // I wrote my Vivid Vision – and now I’m sharing it with you.
What’s Your Vision?
WRITING A VIVID VISION // How might you visualize what you’re creating for your life? Join me this week to try it out.
Give Yourself Permission
WRITE YOUR OWN PERMISSION SLIP // How might you benefit from taking a break? What might be different for you if you did?