What are you learning?

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It feels like I picked my head up and suddenly we’re halfway through 2021 – how’d that happen?

When the year began I had all sorts of goals and plans. Some of them have held, while others got wiped out almost immediately.

One of my constant goals, no matter the year, is to learn. 

I’ve come to realize that my love for learning isn’t just a hobby, but rather a directive from my internal compass. 

If I’m not learning, I’m not living.

I love learning for two reasons – one obvious, and the other perhaps not so.

The obvious reason is that I enjoy and benefit from it. Learning is one of my values, and so when I’m doing it, I feel fulfilled.

The not-so-obvious reason is that learning helps me manage the discomfort and ambiguity that arises when things don’t work out.

When I’m vulnerable with my feelings and don’t get the response I want? Well, at least I learned.

When I create something new and don’t get the reaction I hope for? Well, at least I learned.

When I try anything and I fail at it? I can be sure there was learning there.

In short: learning is what drives me – and what makes me feel secure and safe.

What have you learned so far in the first half of 2021? What are you wishing to learn next?

I access learning through a lot of different modes: talking and listening, creating art and making things, reading and walking. 

Oddly enough, I haven’t always been drawn to books, even though I’ve always wanted to be a reader.

Even more odd, this year I felt compelled to pick up a book…

which quickly turned into two…

which then unexpectedly turned into a whole stack on my nightstand (not to mention a long list of audiobooks in my Libby library app).

These are books that have helped me explore myself, my potential, and what matters to me. 

They’ve inspired me to reevaluate my inner and outer space, my relationships, and my dreams.

They’ve instilled in me new beliefs, and helped me dismantle old ones.

In short: they’ve furthered my learning – and thus my being.

And now I want to share them with you. 

Who knows? Perhaps they’ll ignite some new learning in you, too.

What are you reading, listening to or learning these days? What’s inspiring you on your journey to design a life and career you love?

Comment below and let me know – I’m looking for my next read!


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