What's the next step?

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As the world continues to open up to a post-pandemic “new normal,” I’ll admit I’m feeling a whole bunch of things.

Relief. Doubt. Happiness. Unease. Exhaustion. To name a few.

This weekend we enjoyed Father’s Day at a brewery, and I felt all those things and more. Relief and happiness to be outside, enjoying what felt like “the before times.”

But also: unease and doubt (is it really ok to have my mask off inside?) – not to mention the exhaustion (So. Many. People).

Lots of people are exploring this wobbly feeling of re-entry, and making suggestions on micro-steps we can take to be gentle with ourselves during this transition time.

Some are even declaring we can’t put this genie back in the bottle – that there is no going back.

And I think they’re all right.

For the last few weeks, I’ve been exploring the potential and power of intuition.

How it can guide us to make decisions and take action we intuitively know is right and true. 

If only we can find it (how did I lose it?) – and then actually listen.

To strengthen my intuition muscles during this confusing, upside-down, new normal transition time, I've been playing with my own special, mystical question:

What would you have me do next?

Every time I finish something but before I move on to the next, I ask myself this question.

After I finish a great workout, what would you have me do next?

After a long zoom call, what would you have me do next?

After a stressful interaction with an unmasked shopper in the grocery check out line, what would you have me do next?

I’ve always believed in God, a higher power, Universal Intelligence, whatever you want to call it – but we haven’t been in touch lately. Like, years.

Asking myself this question has reopened this line of dialogue. 

Between me and the Universe, yes. 

Between me and my intuition, most definitely.

Whether you’re overwhelmed by post-pandemic life, or you feel stuck in your career, or you’re not sure what’s next in your relationship – remember to turn towards your intuition. 

You have all the answers, all the skills, all the wisdom you'd ever need to navigate stress and uncertainty, and bring joy into your life.

It’s here for the taking. And it's inside you.

What would you have me do next?


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Pressing the Easy button


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