Pressing the Easy button

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I recently heard Glennon Doyle talk about pressing the Easy button, and how she keeps two lists: the things that are Easy, and the things that Reset.

Easy is all the stuff we do to numb. To make it through. To avoid.

This might be mindless doom scrolling, autopilot snacking over an open bag of chips, pouring another glass of wine, not saying the thing that needs to be said.

Reset is all the stuff that actually helps. The things that plug us back into our soul, our true self.

Taking a walk, taking a nap, intuiting what we actually need or yearn for – and giving it to ourselves.

Pushing the Easy button leads to self-abandonment.

I learned this yesterday as I found myself unconsciously reaching for another handful of candy at 3pm.

Pushing the Reset button leads to self-acceptance.

I learned this today as I chose to cherish my body with quiet yoga, rather than with a strenuous spin class.

Which button are you pushing today? 


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