The Universe's To-Do List

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How many things are on your to-do list today?

Go ahead and count – I’ll wait.

I just counted mine and I have 9 things so far...and it’s only 10am.

Productivity experts have plenty of advice on how to streamline your systems, break your to-dos into component parts, and block out distractions to stop multitasking.

I love this advice. I live for this advice.

But does it ever work? 

I think you know the answer.

That’s why I was struck this week by a new way of thinking about my to-do list: delegating.

This is not your ordinary delegating – like to your partner or your colleague.

I’m talking about delegating to the Universe. 

Letting her share this load and pick up some of these to-dos.


This idea is from the book “Do Less” by Kate Northrup. In it she literally instructs readers to grab a sheet of paper and divide it into two sections:

My To-Dos, and the Universe’s To-Dos.

Ok, I get it – at first it seemed a little hokey to me, too.

But think about it: 

Why should you do all the heavy lifting to make your dreams happen, when the Universe wants to support you?

Why should you put the pressure on yourself to create every opportunity or seal every deal, when the Universe is standing by, ready to align the people, experiences and things you need to succeed?

Last week I put out a new workbook to help you set goals for Spring. It includes an activity to reflect on your progress this year, and outline what success looks like for the next three months.

All of that’s well and good (and I encourage you to give it a try!) – but I realize now I missed one thing:

A place to invite the Universe to join you.

A divine, explicit request to the Universe with clear instructions on what she can deliver or create to help you realize your dreams.

That’s why, this morning, I sat down and wrote my own to-do list to share with the Universe. 

She has three big bullets on her list, and each is incredibly important and aligned with what I’m trying to create in my work and my life.

This list is displayed on my desk, right in front of my monitor – so neither I nor the Universe can lose track of it.

I am so ready to share this work with her. To receive her help.

You can, too.

All you need to do is this:


Trust that she’ll deliver.

And be ready to say yes when the opportunities find you.


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Change Your Beliefs to Achieve Your Goals


What are your intentions for Spring?