Change Your Beliefs to Achieve Your Goals

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Spring’s a great time for setting goals (I mean, even Nature is stretching herself right now).

But what if your goals don’t stick?

This is something I struggle with. You too?

Don’t get me wrong: I love setting goals for myself. 

In fact, every week or so, I resolve that – from now on – it will be THIS WAY.

  • Starting today, I post on social media every day!

  • Starting today, I go to bed an hour earlier!

  • Starting today, I don’t eat bread!

How well do you think I do, dear reader?

Not. So. Well.

That’s not to say that I don’t ever meet the goals I set. 

But let’s be real: following through on our goals is challenging. It takes time and patience – and most of all, requires faith and perseverance.

That’s because setting new goals – and actually achieving them – requires us to change ourselves.

On the outside, sure, but especially on the inside.

There’s a lot going on inside of us: thoughts, beliefs, worries, wishes, doubts, and more.

How often do you stop to explore and investigate these inner elements of you?

To question whether your beliefs and thoughts are aligned in the same direction as what you’re wishing for?

If you set goals, but your inner thoughts actually don’t support you in achieving them, it’s no wonder you get stuck.

Let’s say you want to lose those extra 10 pounds of COVID weight. You set a goal to lose it, and you start out fast and furious: counting calories, exercising, drinking water. For a few days you’re on a roll.

But after the initial high fades, if your beliefs and thoughts don’t support you to keep going, you will stop.

It’s that simple.

Instead, start by feeling into and visualizing your goal – examining why it matters, and the impact it’ll have on how you live and experience life.

Examine the beliefs you hold – about losing weight, about your body, about your physical abilities or mental commitment – and you’ll likely uncover one or more limiting beliefs that you can choose to let go of or rewrite.

This is the key to achieving any goal: What we focus on – we create more of.

If you want to achieve your goals, you have to make sure that you focus your inner thoughts and beliefs to work in support of that goal. 

You have to believe you can achieve it.

You have to be curious about the old thoughts that hold you back, and think new thoughts that affirm you and the inevitability of your achievement.

You have to focus on what you want to create, and be relentless about discarding any thoughts or beliefs that don’t ladder up to you being successful.

The truth is, I’m writing this for me as much as I am for you.

I’ve set some new goals for myself and my business, and I don’t want them to be another flash in the pan.

These goals? I want them to stick.

And so I’m choosing to flood my head and heart with thoughts, beliefs, learning, people, and experiences that affirm this new path I’m choosing.

The most amazing thing is that, like a muscle getting stronger through exercise, I actually DO think and believe these goals are possible for me.

It takes faith and determination, courage and commitment – but I believe I can do it.

And I believe you can, too.

What goals are you working towards this week? This month? Comment below and let me know. 

And, if you’re looking for some support setting new ones, check out my new workbook for April to get started.


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Stress, Unlearning, and Being the Leader of Your Life


The Universe's To-Do List