What are your intentions for Spring?

April Intention Guide

Spring has sprung in my backyard, and honestly – it’s magical.

Last summer I moved from a small, packed townhouse into a spacious home set in a rural neighborhood. We have more grass, more trees, more birds and more blossoms than I ever hoped for or expected.

Each day I take a walk around our house, inspecting the latest buds to pop up on the azaleas, or marveling at the tulips that unexpectedly showed up overnight.

To say I am in awe of Mother Nature’s abundance is an understatement.

How do the trees know it’s time to sprout new leaves?

How do the marigolds or petunias or hibiscus know it’s time to flower?

Mother Nature just knows what she’s doing.

She doesn't doubt herself, or question whether now is the right time. 

She doesn't worry about showing all her colors, or if she might be "too much" or "not enough."

Mother Nature trusts herself.

Last week I wrote about taking stock of the first 3 months of 2021 – the roses, thorns and buds of your year so far.

I heard from many of you that this kind of reflection was powerful and clarifying – not to mention motivating. 

The transition to Spring isn’t just about reflection, though.

It’s about setting intentions for what’s blooming.

It’s about planting seeds, and setting up the routines and rituals to help them grow.

That’s why I created a new, quick and downloadable guide focused on helping you set intentions for April and beyond.

You can download it here.

In as little as 5 minutes, you can build on your reflections from last week and set clear goals for your Spring season. Plus, you’ll name and create the conditions you need in place to meet them.

Because you know I love sharing my own journey, I’ll tell you: 

My intention this Spring is to trust myself.

To be like Mother Nature and live in the unending wisdom and abundance of the natural world. 

I’m part of it, after all. And so are you.

I hope you’ll check out this guide, then comment below and let me know what goals you’re setting for Spring.

Here’s to a fulfilling season of growth, learning and opportunity.


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The Universe's To-Do List


What are your Roses, Thorns and Buds?