My pledge as your coach

Last week I had an experience that was, if I’m honest, incredibly traumatic.

I may have mentioned that I’ve been dealing with some health issues – ones that my conventional, Western medicine doctors seem to think are “normal.”

I don’t feel normal.

And so I have been seeking support from care providers outside of the traditional medical system, which lately means I’ve been spending my time on sales calls.

As someone who hosts sales calls frequently, it’s an interesting – and often empathy-building – experience to be on the “other side” of the call.

To be the potential client, not the coach.

And this specific sales call was so awful, so disturbing, so powerfully traumatic that I spent the rest of the day in bed trying to recover.

As the dust has settled and I’ve gotten some distance from this conversation, what has become clear to me is that how this provider handled herself, and me, in this call is 100% in opposition to how I show up for these calls as a coach. 

And before I go even one step further in building my business or growing my client base, I need you (and everyone) to know how I do things. 

So today I’m sharing my pledge of what I will not (not EVER) do as your coach, and what I will always do instead.

  • I will never dive into a hard sales pitch without taking the time to get to know you.

  • I will never put the focus solely on me.

  • I will never tell you I’m the only one who can help you.

  • I will never make assumptions about you and your lived experience.

  • I will never evade your questions or be unclear about my methods and process.

  • I will never say that not being ready to work with me means you don’t want it bad enough.

  • I will never tell you not to share what we talked about with people you trust.

Here’s what I WILL always do:

  • I will always show up with warmth, humanity and readiness to connect.

  • I will always be curious and listen first.

  • I will always ask for clarification to make sure I’m understanding you correctly.

  • I will always see you as an individual.

  • I will always be direct and clear about my approach, process and pricing.

  • I will always meet you where you are and guide you towards the next, right step.

  • I will always tell you if coaching with me isn’t a fit, and I will also always offer to refer you to others if I think they can support you better.

  • I will always invite you to share what you’re learning in our conversations with others.

Here’s the thing: for some people, this provider’s style might be exactly what they’re looking for. This is absolutely not about one-size-fits-all.

But she wasn’t right for me – by any stretch of the imagination.

And so, whether you’re considering support from me or from any coach, therapist, functional medicine practitioner, personal trainer or whoever –

Pay attention to how they show up.

Pay attention to how they treat you.

Pay attention to how the conversation feels in your head, heart, emotions, gut, energy, or any other part of your body.

These are all clues – spoken and unspoken – that can help you make this decision.

And if working with me sounds like the right style and pace for you, fill out this interest form and let’s talk.



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