Weekly Wayfinder – February 19, 2018
Putting wind in our sails, what it means to be human and more. Here's what we're enjoying in this week's installment of the Weekly Wayfinder.
What Gives You Energy?
What gives you energy, and what takes it away? Try this activity to explore how the experiences, people and situations in your daily life impact how you feel – and even what you choose to do.
Weekly Wayfinder – February 12, 2018
Flexing our muscles to practice courage and find confidence. Here's what we're enjoying in this week's installment of the Weekly Wayfinder.
A Recipe for Wayfinding
The recipe for wayfinding begins with four key ingredients: Curiosity, Endurance, Agility and Courage. Let's dig in.
Weekly Wayfinder – February 5, 2018
Making choices for the time we have. Here's what we're enjoying in this week's installment of the Weekly Wayfinder.
Your Time. Your Choice.
What would you do if you found out your days on Earth were numbered? How might you change the way you spend your time, or the choices you make, to focus on what really matters – on what you really want?
Weekly Wayfinder – January 29, 2018
Tuning in to speak up. Here's what we're enjoying in this week's installment of the Weekly Wayfinder.
Going Within
What might you change about your life if you listened to that inner voice in your head? Thoughts on asking ourselves tough questions and going within to uncover the true answers.
Weekly Wayfinder – January 22, 2018
Listening to our inner voices and going within. Here's what we're enjoying in this week's installment of the Weekly Wayfinder.