Weekly Wayfinder – February 12, 2018

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Welcome to the Weekly Wayfinder, a curated list of wayfinding-related inspiration, ideas, activities and fun stuff to click on and learn from. 

WHAT WE’RE READING: 4 things that will make you happier at work .
WHAT WE’RE READING, PART TWO: Forget goals. Create systems instead.
WHAT WE’RE PLAYING WITH: What activities give us energy, and what takes it away?
WHAT WE’RE CURIOUS ABOUT: Is moving abroad the answer to work-life balance?
WHAT WE’RE TRYING: These fun and short ‘life treks’.
THIS WEEK’S MANTRA: “Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway.”

Our mantra this week comes from the king of steely courage: John Wayne. How often do you choose to do something that scares you?

I’ve been thinking a lot about the key ingredients that make wayfinding possible, and courage is definitely one of them. Seeing that a different future for ourselves is possible – well, that’s scary on its own. But acting on that vision? Even telling people about it? Yikes. Sometimes the fear is just downright paralyzing.

Yet face our fears we must, trusting that with each step, we’re not only making progress but actually practicing courage. Like a weightlifting routine, practicing courage regularly helps us build up new muscles to support us along our wayfinding journey. As famed designer Debbie Millman has said, “Confidence is the successful repetition of any endeavor.”

The more we practice courage, the easier it’ll get. Time for a second set of reps,


What Gives You Energy?


A Recipe for Wayfinding