What will you make it mean?
I’ll often ask my clients: what will you make this mean? It’s a reference to the idea that, in every moment, we have a choice about the story we tell ourselves. So what does it mean if you’ve fallen off your own to-do list?
It’s time to believe you’re worth it
One of the toughest hurdles my clients have to overcome in our work together is the acknowledgement and acceptance of their worthiness. What would shift for all of us if we could take a moment to actually pause and affirm our worthiness out loud?
How I stopped worrying about swimsuit season
My annual tradition of putting on a swimsuit – and feeling bad about myself – didn’t happen this year. How’d that happen?
Allowing yourself to change
We often hold ourselves to the goals, standards and priorities we set when we were much younger. What might shift if you allowed your goals – and you! – to change over time?
The key to ending overwhelm
Want to know the surefire way to get out of overwhelm and get clear on what you want? It starts with the story you’re telling yourself.
A Decision that Improved Everything
About four weeks ago, I decided to finally let myself off the hook and stop waking up early. I didn’t expect everything that happened next.
Let me be your ‘Phone-A-Friend’
What’s it like to have Ashley on speed dial? When you join the Coaching Strategy Intensive, I’m there every step of the way.
The Power of a Fresh Perspective
How can vacation – or any kind of new surroundings – spark new perspectives, ideas and action? Here’s what I learned after a week at the beach.
How to Make a Plan that Works
The thing about career change is that it feels really daunting at first. There are so many entrenched behaviors, structures and beliefs – all standing like solid obstacles blocking our paths and overwhelming us. Which is exactly why you need a plan.