What I commit to, I create

I’m writing today with a pretty vulnerable share – and an ask for you.

For many, many years I have held onto a secret dream – a dream I’ve never dared to share with anyone. And today, in this newsletter, I’m sharing it with you… Are you ready?

My dream is to be a public speaker and share my story on stages around the world. 

(There, I said it! 🥳🥳🥳)

I’ve kept this dream to myself for so many reasons, from feeling boastful and self-absorbed, to worrying that it was just a dumb idea altogether.

Isn’t that what happens when we dream big dreams? We spend more time worrying about them than actually doing something to achieve them?

But in my quiet moments, in front of my journal or daydreaming in the car, I can literally see myself in my mind’s eye… microphone in hand, smiling from ear to ear, feeling confident and grounded, and delighting in sharing stories and inspiration with people who are ready to create their own career and life changes.

So how do we go from dreaming about something to actually making it happen?

For me, it started very subtly – first with a number of commitments I made to myself back in late 2023:

  • Claiming my identity as an artist (rather than sidelining this part of me)

  • Leaning into my creativity and intuition to discern the ‘right path’ for me (instead of looking to ‘experts’ to tell me what to do)

  • Trusting that the right opportunities would make their way to me (the opposite of striving or hustling)

  • Having faith in myself, my perspective and my value above all else

Like a giant Oak tree whose roots run deep into the earth, these commitments grounded me and made it possible for me to take brave, aligned action.

And it all paid off: In February I said I was going to self-publish a journal, and three months later I did!

I have never, ever committed to a dream and seen it come to fruition so quickly.

It’s inspiring. It’s empowering. It’s been a HUGE lift for my confidence and self-esteem.

If I’m honest, though, it’s also scary. Why? 

Because I now have proof that what I commit to, I create.

As Marianne Williamson says, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”

What else might I create, I wondered, if I could be brave enough to lean into my own personal power? What might you create, too?

And so, last week I committed to my dream of becoming a public speaker.

  • I shared my vision with trusted friends 

  • I reached out to my network to start fleshing out my plan

  • I researched speaker bureaus, and pulled together ideas about the content and topics I want to speak on

Do I know what I’m doing? In truth, no! But can I figure it out? Of course!

And so can you.

As your coach, I will guide you to uncover and name the dreams you’re holding inside of you.

I will teach you the tools and frameworks you need to commit yourself to the change you wish for.

And I will walk side by side with you as you take aligned, creative, brave action to achieve your dream.

Whether your dream is to pivot into more fulfilling work, to feel more connected to your authentic self, or anything else that matters to you – I’d love to support you.

I have an opening for one new client to begin in June, and one new client to begin in July.

What are you ready to commit to – and create for yourself?

Learn more about coaching with me and submit your interest form. I can’t wait to hear from you!



The Unexpected Gift of Feelings


Becoming the person you want to be