This week’s life lessons

What are you learning about at work?

One of the things I love about the work I’ve designed for myself is that I’m always learning:

Learning about my clients and how to guide them to a more fulfilling reality

Learning about how to grow a business and achieve my professional goals

Learning about myself and my unique purpose.

By the end of each week, my brain is full with lessons, questions, reflections and a-ha’s.

Today I thought it would be fun to share with you nine unique lessons that this week delivered to me. 

They are ideas, questions, and prompts that came up during coaching sessions with my clients, as well as through discussions with loved ones and even introspection on my own.

Have a look at the following and if there’s one point that serves you, I encourage you to sit with it, be curious about it, and journal on it. Then, see what additional learning it offers to you.

This Week’s Lessons:

#1: If you’re seeking work life balance… and you’re currently working really hard… doesn’t that also mean you should be resting really HARD? (all jokes aside, what would it look like to devote as much attention and energy to resting as you do to working?)

#2: Setting big goals includes recognizing that 80% of your current reality needs to be shelved in service of the 20% that will actually move you toward that goal.

#3: Saying your dream out loud – even before you’ve taken any concrete action – is the first, brave step. In fact, when you share your dream with someone else, you’ve already made progress.

#4: If you know you don’t want to do something, why are you forcing yourself to do it? 

#5: What if your ONLY decision criteria was to say yes to whatever inspires you or lights you up? How would that change your choices?

#6: The pace of life change is so much slower than we expect it to be. Designing your next career step could take you a year. How does knowing that inform the speed at which you move and make decisions? Does everything need to be so rushed?

#7: It’s a gift when your subconscious patterns and thoughts float to the surface and become known to you. Your opportunity is to stay curious about them and explore how they might be driving your behavior and/or (in)action.

#8: You can’t escape “the trough” – there will always be moments that are hard, dark, and uncertain. And, you can also always trust that the next peak is on its way.

#9: Nothing feels better than knowing that you took a stand for yourself and created the reality of your dreams!

Which one resonates with you the most? I’d love to hear from you.



PS: On July 11th I’m hosting a private, live coaching workshop on values – specifically how you can use your values to guide you to authentic choices in your life. 

Receive a complimentary ticket to this intimate event when you pre-order Volumes 2, 3 and 4 of my new journal, 100 Days of Designing My Life. Learn more and purchase your copies here!


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