How risks lead to rewards

On a random Wednesday in June 2017 – I got laid off. Over Google Hangout.

I had taken a big risk on this job, and it didn’t work out. Or did it?

I say this because, soon after getting laid off, I would decide to take another risk – this time, on myself.

I started freelancing and taking on client projects. More importantly, I started asking and answering powerful questions about my purpose, my gifts, and my authentic self.

(Let’s be honest: I am STILL asking and answering these questions – that’s how it works!)

Fast forward to this week, on another random Wednesday in June – when I paused and realized I was having the kind of day that my younger self would never have thought possible.

In just one workday, I got to:

🤩Meet with a team of public service leaders to plan an executive leadership retreat (that I get to facilitate!)

🤩Coach a client to stay connected to her authentic leadership style as she works through a challenging dynamic with a direct report

🤩Guide a married couple to clarify their shared vision for their future (complete with a MURAL board filled with activities and insights!)

🤩Meet with a new client as she begins to walk the path of reconnecting with her inner wisdom and authentic self.

🤩Send a thank you note to a new customer who just pre-ordered Volumes 2-4 of my new reflection journal.

Not to mention – sitting outside with my husband at lunch, talking about our upcoming weekend getaway where we’ll be celebrating 16 years of marriage by sharing our Vivid Visions for the next 5 years together!

Ashley from 2017 could never have imagined it would get to be this good!

To say I feel lucky isn’t adequate… because it’s not just luck (I mean, it IS luck and privilege, too). 

It’s also creativity, bravery, and honesty. A willingness to consider new options, dream bigger dreams and yes, to take risks.

It’s choosing to learn who we truly are, to take a stand for what we value, and to follow what lights us up. 

It’s holding firm to our boundaries – not because we want to shut things out, but because we want to discern what gets let in.

Every day I meet with people who are, in their own way, standing at the edge of a new, big risk – wondering if they can do it.

And today I want you to know: you absolutely can.

With complete humility, I want to offer my own story to you as your evidence.

I don’t say it to boast or to single myself out. 

I say it because I want you to know that if I could do it, you can too.

Meaningful change doesn’t happen overnight, and it often isn’t linear (I know my path hasn’t been).

Meaningful change happens through a series of steps, and your job right now is to take the next one.

What is one step you can take today to move yourself closer to a career and life you love?

It could be a big step (like giving notice), but likely it’s a small one: journaling about your dream day, talking with a trusted friend about your hopes for your future, setting aside 15 minutes to stretch before bed.

All of these steps move you forward. They all count.

And if you’re looking for a guide to help you plan the steps in your own journey…I’d love to support you.

Whether it’s through 1:1 coaching, team facilitation, or resources like my journal – reply to this email and let’s talk. 

In the meantime, I’m rooting for you – because I know the wins that are waiting for you on the other side!


Show your work - and here’s why


This week’s life lessons