The Transformation that Happens in Groups

What are the values you want to prioritize this Summer?

I often think about my life in terms of seasons and rhythms. It’s how I consider my goals, how I think about pacing myself, and how I determine what I want to focus on for the weeks or months ahead.

This means that as I prepare for the school year to close and the community pool to open, I’ve been thinking a lot about the values I want to lead with and honor over Summer break.

Do you also think this way?

As a facilitator, I love designing ways to gather people together to share, dream, prioritize and plan. 

This past week I had the privilege of hosting one such gathering… except it wasn’t for my typical audience of organizations and teams. 

It was for my neighbors!

Every month some friends and I take turns hosting each other for an evening gathering. Of course we always congregate around food and our favorite beverages, and the conversations are always lively and fun.

May was my month, and I’ll admit – I felt an itch to do something a bit different.

Would anyone be interested in making vision boards, I asked (a little sheepishly)?

Turns out the answer was YES!

Here’s the prompt I gave everyone:

What are 1-3 values you want to prioritize this Summer?

  • What do those values look like or feel like to you?

  • What scenery or surroundings evoke the feelings of these values to you?

  • What words, phrases or images bring these values to life for you?

At each place setting was a printed list of values to choose from, a piece of posterboard, and a stack of magazines to explore. At first everyone started out a little tentatively (which, having led many sessions like this, I’ve come to expect). 

Do I know what to do?

Will I get it right?

Will my vision board look creative enough?

At which point I said:

There is literally no right way to make a vision board. What matters is that it evokes in you a feeling and way of being that feels good to you.

And I’d say the same thing to you!

If you’re feeling called to set your vision for your Summer season, let this be your nudge!

There’s something magical about gathering with a group of friends, taking out your supplies – and letting your brain shut off for a bit.

About hearing the sound of magazine pages ripping as you tear out the images and words that resonate with you.

About squealing with delight when you see an image that makes you laugh, reminds you of a story, or (let’s face it) is so ridiculous you can’t help but giggle (photoshopped abs, I’m looking at you!).

What are the values you want to prioritize this Summer? 

How might it help you to take those words and transform them into your vision board for the season?

I’d love to hear what you think. And if you want a copy of the list of values and instructions I gave my friends – so you can use them for yourself and with your own community – email me at I’m happy to share it!



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