100 Days of Designing My Life: The Reflection Journal (Vol. 3)


Volume 3: Imagine

Imagine new possibilities and envision your future.

100 Days of Designing My Life: The Reflection Journal” is your personalized guidebook to deeper self-understanding, authentic action, and confident change-making for your career and life.

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Volume 3: Imagine

Imagine new possibilities and envision your future.

100 Days of Designing My Life: The Reflection Journal” is your personalized guidebook to deeper self-understanding, authentic action, and confident change-making for your career and life.

Volume 3: Imagine

Imagine new possibilities and envision your future.

100 Days of Designing My Life: The Reflection Journal” is your personalized guidebook to deeper self-understanding, authentic action, and confident change-making for your career and life.

Imagine new possibilities and envision your future with Volume 3: Imagine!

In Volume 3: "Imagine," coach, facilitator and artist Ashley Jablow invites you to reconnect with your creativity and tap into your imagination to name and envision your most authentic, fulfilling future.

After all, isn’t that exactly what you want for “your one wild and precious life?”

Through inspiring, eye-opening reflection questions, paired with hand-illustrated watercolors, this journal will guide you to reclaim your creativity, believe in the value of your biggest and boldest wishes, and chart your course toward a career and life beyond your wildest dreams. 

I truly believe that a world filled with people imagining their wildest, most authentic dreams – and then taking action to bring those visions to life – is the kind of world I want to live in. Are you with me?

Hi, I’m Ashley Jablow – coach, artist, and creator of “100 Days of Designing My Life.”

In March of 2020, life as we knew it came to screeching halt. In a moment where almost nothing made sense, I chose to pick up my paintbrush.

What tumbled out of me was this project: 100 Days of Designing My Life.

Combining my expertise in design thinking and innovation, my formal training as a professional coach, and my unique ability to put visuals and metaphors to some of our deepest life questions, these 100 watercolors have become a touchstone for myself and everyone yearning to better understand themselves and navigate changes at work and in life.

Are you ready to dive in? Let’s do it – together!



Excerpt from Volume 3: Greeting the Day

I’m always shocked when I stop and consider how much of adulthood is spent running errands, meal planning, commuting, and of course, sitting on Zoom calls. Sometimes it feels like an extended, lifelong version of the movie Groundhog Day… except without the groundhog.

Maybe that’s why I was so inspired when I first read this quote by author, poet and activist Maya Angelou. Can you imagine feeling so lit up by life that you’d greet your day this way?

Groundhog Day feels blah, sluggish, and uninspired. But when I take Ms. Angelou’s perspective, my whole body lights up. I smile, sit taller, and feel myself expectantly anticipating something good happening. In short, I orient toward imagination, creativity and curiosity. 

What if you could greet each day as though it's a completely new story, one that hasn't been written yet? What if you could put down your assumptions and expectations, and instead open yourself up to the mystery and magic that this day can offer you? Let’s explore this together.

  • What aspect(s) of your life feel like Groundhog Day? What routines, habits or ruts are you ready to get out of? Why?

  • What might improve or change in your outer life (eg: your environment, relationships and actions) if you could get out of this rut and feel inspired by this aspect of your life again?

  • What might be different about your internal life (eg: your mindset, thoughts, and way of Being)?

  • What’s one thing you could do today to greet your day with fresh eyes?