A Letter from Your Former Self
REFLECTING ON OUR OWN INNER WISDOM IN TIMES OF STRESS // Check out this letter I penned to myself right on the cusp of the Coronavirus pandemic: how might it serve you today?
Abundance. Purpose. Joy. Ease.
On January 1, 2018 I chose these four words as the ones I wanted to channel in the year ahead. Over the year these words showed up in many different forms: a mantra that I chanted in yoga classes. A quiet recitation when I was stuck in traffic. A post-it reminder on the bathroom mirror.
Find a Parade and Get In Front of It
How might we quiet our Inner Critics to tap into what’s true for ourselves?
The Power of Picking Yourself
What are the moments or situations when you give up your power – to Gatekeepers or other obstacles – and wait to get picked? What might open up for your dreams or your goals if you took that power and picked yourself instead?
Introducing Wayfinders Collective – Again
Doing work of the soul, and finding my way in the process.
Weekly Wayfinder – May 28, 2018
The Weekly Wayfinder is a curated list of wayfinding-related inspiration, ideas, activities and fun stuff to click on and learn from. This week: downtime.
What is it ONLY you have to offer that serves the world?
What is the impact we want to create with the magic wand we yield? Thoughts on finding purpose and creating impact – starting with knowing ourselves.
What Gives You Energy?
What gives you energy, and what takes it away? Try this activity to explore how the experiences, people and situations in your daily life impact how you feel – and even what you choose to do.
A Recipe for Wayfinding
The recipe for wayfinding begins with four key ingredients: Curiosity, Endurance, Agility and Courage. Let's dig in.