From stuck to strategic - in 3 hours
It’s my birthday! Yes, today I am 44 (OMG). I don’t know where the time goes, but somehow I have landed squarely in my mid-40s.
My birthday has always been a BIG deal for me. Partly because I love a good party! But even more so, my birthday has become a time for me to pause, turn inward, and ask:
What do I want this year to mean?
I can think back on past birthdays, past years of my life, and think:
That’s the year I got my first job…
That’s the year I got pregnant…
That’s the year we moved to Virginia…
In this way, each year – each birthday – takes on a deeper meaning because it becomes a chapter in my life story.
Sometimes the years pass quickly, and sometimes they pass slowly.
When you feel stuck – in your career, on an important decision, or with a goal that matters – the days, weeks, and years seem to pass at a glacial pace.
The peaks of life feel fleeting, but the valleys seem to stretch on forever.
Recently I worked with a client who had been facing some big life questions – and she felt stuck.
“How long have you felt this way,” I asked her?
“Two years,” she replied with a quiet sigh.
Everyday I meet people who feel stuck in their career. And who have felt stuck for a very, very long time.
Who feel the pain, angst and confusion of slogging through a job they hate – and who don’t know how to get themselves out of it.
And I get it: when we’re deep in that hole, it’s really difficult to see our way out of it.
We feel trapped in indecision, overwhelmed by options and have no idea where or how to start.
(Not to mention, life moves fast and we have to take the dog for a walk and pick up the kids and worry about retirement and our civil liberties and… and… and…)
It doesn’t have to be this way. You don’t have to suffer through this any longer.
During her 3-hour Career Strategy Intensive, my client went from feeling stuck to strategic.
I watched it happen with my own eyes:
By the end of our session, she was smiling. She was exhaling more deeply. She felt excited about her options. And she had a plan to take action.
What if this year could be the year you redesign your career?
What if this year could be the year you take action towards your goals?
What if this is YOUR year?
Learn more about the Career Strategy Intensive, and when you’re ready to get unstuck, email me.
I’ve recently raised the price of the Intensive ($1500) – but for the next week, I’ll honor the old pricing ($999) for newsletter subscribers (and your friends!).
So take a look, and then ask yourself: what do you want this year to mean in your life story?
When you’re ready, I’m here.
PS: Know a friend who’s ready to redesign their career? Send them this blog and invite them to subscribe to my newsletter!
PPS: Every year I make birthday resolutions… I’m still working on my 2025 ones, but I did go back and review mine from 2024. Wanna see?