How to Create Your Exit Plan

I’m not a gambling woman, but I’d wager that your whole heart isn’t warm and fuzzy about work these days.

Between the low-grade stress of looming layoffs…

The extra pressure of putting in long hours to meet unrealistic due dates…

Workplaces that feel exhausting at best and toxic at worst…

Many of us are feeling depleted by our jobs right now.

Which makes absolute perfect sense!

But just because something makes sense doesn’t mean it’s the way things have to be.

Instead, here’s what I want you to do:

Imagine it’s Monday, October 9, 2023.

Your alarm clock goes off and as you open your eyes, you notice – for the first time in who knows how long – you feel excited about your day and the work you get to do. 

As you brew your morning oat milk latte, you smile thinking about your friends and colleagues at work who value you and the unique contributions you’re making to the team.

As you sit down at your desk and intentionally plan out your day, you feel proud that you’ve reconnected with your truest self and created work for yourself that feels aligned with your values.

This is not a pipe dream. I promise.

This is available to you, too.

I say this not just as someone who has achieved this for herself, but as someone who has guided countless clients to achieve it, too.

After six months of transformational coaching, my clients start to see themselves and their possibilities differently.

​​Through our work together, my clients start to believe that their work can be a source of joy.

​​They learn to listen to their inner compass and make authentic decisions.

​​And they name their goals out loud and take action to achieve them – with support by their side.

You don’t have to suffer from the Sunday Scaries anymore. You don’t have to keep berating yourself for not feeling motivated to do a job you hate. And you don’t have to waste your potential and delay the contribution you know you’re deeply called to make.

No more sitting on your hands, waiting for things to improve.

It’s time to make your plan for the next chapter of your work life.

And I can help you get there. 

I’m opening up spots for my 1:1 coaching practice in the next couple of weeks, so if you’re feeling ready to seize this opportunity and make a plan for your next chapter, fill out this interest form and let’s talk. 

I can’t wait to hear about the choices you’re ready to make.



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