What are you willing to Discover today?

Woman sitting at edge of canyon

I have a confession to make: I hate uncertainty.

Gasp! I can’t believe you’d admit that, Ashley – said absolutely no one.

Ok, I know – most humans hate uncertainty. But here’s why this is an actual, legit confession:

Because it’s my JOB.

Just like that famous book title, Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway, I coach people every day to turn towards what feels uncertain, investigate it, and then move directly towards it – no matter how murky, ambiguous or uncomfortable it may feel.

And yet – I myself feel uncertain a lot of the time. And yes, it stinks.

Think of it this way: if you’re unhappy at work, you probably experience that unhappiness on a very deep, cellular level. You might feel foggy, resentful, unproductive and teetering on burnout.

But even though you know you’re unhappy, you may choose not to do anything about it (consciously or unconsciously)... why? Because you’re uncertain about what exactly to DO.

In the space between problem and solution is a vast, cavernous pit of uncertainty.

And so we have two choices:

1 Stand safely on this side of the pit, thank you very much, where it’s stable and miserable

2 Bravely explore how we might jump, leapfrog, hurdle or otherwise compel ourselves over the pit and into the unknown.

Ouch, that’s rough.

So what are we supposed to do? In a word: Discover.

Discovering is about being curious. It’s about exploring and broadening and diverging.

But more than that, it’s about giving ourselves the time, space and permission to say, “I’m not sure.”

Discovering is about embracing uncertainty.

And yes, it can feel icky. 

And also yes (and this is where I have unashamedly drunk the kool-aid here): it’s where all the good stuff happens.

Want to get out of an unfulfilling job and find fulfillment? Start with Discovery.

Want to stop arguing with your kids and reimagine how you parent? Start with Discovery.

Want to create change in your community and heal divisions? Start with Discovery.

To get you started, I went live to share my tips and tricks for bringing more Discovery into your life. Not only will it help you embrace uncertainty, it’s one of the key behaviors I believe you need to design a career and life you love.

So I ask: What are you willing to Discover today? 

Let me know where your curiosity takes you.



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