Balancing Urgency and Patience

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Well hello there, friend – happy Thursday.

I’m ducking in with a couple quick updates and resources to share with you:

What I’m creating and learning this week:

What I'm exploring this week:

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about time, mortality and urgency – heavy stuff, I know. But if there’s one message I’ve been receiving from the Universe in 2021, it’s this:

If you want it, if it matters, clear the way and make it happen. Now.

I hear you, Universe.

And I also know the road to clarity and action is long and paved with patience.

Being pulled between the urgency I feel to create what I desire – and the reality that any kind of meaningful change takes time… is, well, exhausting. 

Like a duck who looks calm above the surface but is paddling mightily under the water – outwardly I may not look like I’m moving. But underneath it all, I’m busy planning and building and dreaming.

How do you strike a balance between urgency and patience? Between paddling to propel yourself forward and gliding with the current?

From one duck to another – I'd love to hear from you.




What are you willing to Discover today?


What to do when the lights go out