Announcing the Women's Leadership Circle

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TLDR: I’m opening up limited spaces for my Women’s Leadership Circle program starting June 3rd, and I’d love your help spreading the word! This time around it’s chock full of new videos, course worksheets and community support, but the goal remains the same: supporting women to get unstuck, get clear, and take action to become the leader of their career and life. 

Does that sound like you? Read on for more.

Know 1-3 women who might fit the bill? Please share this with them!

Thank you! xo Ashley


Do you remember what it was like to sit next to a stranger?

On a bus, at a restaurant counter, in the doctor’s office, on a plane?

Let me tell you: last week I went on my first post-vaccine plane flight, and I was not prepared for the level of stranger contact. 

The seats were So. Close. Together. 

Anyway, when it comes to planes, I have a love/hate relationship with small talk. Sometimes I just want silence. But I’ll admit, sometimes I have conversations that change me.

This time around, on my return flight, I sat next to a very nice woman, about my age, who was taking a vacation with her family. We got to chatting and it turned out we shared a number of interests. 

She confided in me that she has a hobby she’d like to turn into a business. And she sees a clear path to doing that via YouTube videos.

“So what’s getting in the way,” I asked?

She lowered her voice, averted her gaze, and admitted: she didn’t know how to make YouTube videos. 

“Everyone else’s videos and channels look so fancy,” she told me. “I could never figure out how to do it like they do.”

In simple math, my airplane friend was working off this equation:

Needing to be perfect + fear of making mistakes = never getting started. 

There are many times – at work and in life – when we let our perfectionism and fear into the driver’s seat, allowing them to determine our worth, what we’re capable of, and if and how we can ask for help.

As a recovering perfectionist: I know how scary this is. 

To acknowledge that you don’t have the answers, and that you need someone to teach you something. 

Which, ironically, is exactly what keeps us stuck in the situation we’re so desperate to get out of.

We can’t grow, change or improve all by ourselves.

We can’t be perfect at everything the very first time we try.

Instead, we have to look to people who’ve done it before. 

We have to seek out advice and learning, outside guidance and inspiration — all to help chart our own course.

We have to choose to invest in ourselves, knowing we can’t do it alone.

In many ways, this is the reason why my Women’s Leadership Circle program exists:

  • To create space for learning and connection, where high-achievers and recovering perfectionists can come together and talk about what it’s like to not have all the answers.

  • To build new brain pathways and new action muscles, where those of us paralyzed by fear and overthinking can safely explore the baby steps that will get us to big impact.

  • To gather together and embrace our desire to authentically show up as the leader of our lives — and celebrate our progress to make that vision a reality.

Last year, in the throes of early lockdown, I launched this intimate group coaching program to support women in search of deeper connection, direction and support. 

After running the program twice last year, I’ve made some key updates, including developing brand new, on-demand course videos and tons of downloadable activities and worksheets. 

The material is updated but the goal is the same: to enable and empower women to grow into leadership, in your own way AND in community.

Last week a family member on the other side of the country needed my help. Without question, I hopped on a plane and flew to her.

Seeing her and the challenges she’s navigating gave me new perspective on what it means to be the leader of my life.

To bravely say my goals out loud, even if I don’t know how to achieve them. Even if I fear I’ll make a mistake.

We only get one shot at life — why wouldn’t we invest in becoming the best, most authentic version of ourselves?

If you’re ready to invest in yourself and your own journey, spots are open now for my Women’s Leadership Circle program launching June 3rd. 

Read more here and book a time to talk to talk about what might change for you if you started showing up as the leader of your own life.


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Remembering the power of community


Stress, Unlearning, and Being the Leader of Your Life