Progress is a Pace

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What’s the difference between knowing you want something – and actually achieving it?


Oof. Sometimes that’s the hardest part!

It’s funny – a lot of my coaching clients come to me because they’re not sure what they want for their careers.

They come in wanting clarity.

And so that’s what we work towards.

But then, at some point, it becomes obvious that clarity is only the first step.

Suddenly we realize we have to do something about it.

Again, oof.

It turns out that getting clarity is only part of the equation when it comes to wayfinding.

And action is the other.

But taking action is scary. Because it requires being brave.

Being brave enough to say what we want.

Being brave enough to ruffle some feathers. Make people mad, even.

Being brave enough to visibly put ourselves out there and take one baby step toward making our wish come true.

Case in point: this amateur, very smiley videoI’m so happy to be so surrounded by post-its! – that I put together to announce this week’s theme (which, ahem, is about using your voice to say what you want).

Trust me: I know I’m not going to win any awards for this.

My palms are a little sweaty knowing I’m sending this out to you.

But it’s action.

Not perfect action, I know.

But it counts.

Have a look and then ask yourself: what’s one example where you know exactly what you want, but you’re still not using your voice to take action?

What’s the risk of speaking up on your behalf?

What’s the risk of staying silent?

Then, join the conversation this week where I’m diving deeper into the topic of using our voice:

Action doesn’t have to be pretty. It just has to move us forward.

As my favorite Peloton running coach once said: “Progress is a pace.”

Let’s make some progress this week. And it starts with using your voice.


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Practicing What You Preach


A Meaningful Career Begins with Meaning