Taking Stock to Take Action

Taking Stock to Take Action

Tell me if this sounds like you:

You have an inner sense that the role you’re in or the work you’re doing doesn’t “feel right” – either for now or for the long-term.

You’re open to the idea of making change, but you’re not sure what that really means or how you’d even begin to get there.

And, to make matters worse, you’re not sure how you’d package your skills or articulate what you’re looking for into something that others would understand and get excited about. 

How’d I do? 

If you’re like the many mid-career professionals who come to me for coaching, it’s likely that one or all of these sentences resonate with where you are in your career. 

When we’re getting started and exploring what comes next, it’s so easy to feel discouraged and confused. 

There are so many options.

There’s not much time.

And there’s so much pressure.

Pressure to get this next step “perfectly right.”

To which I ask: perfectly right for whom?

If we dig beneath this layer of this pressure, we get right to heart of what this search is all about:


What will fulfill you in your career?

What will fulfill you in your life?

And the biggest question of all: how do you take this idea of fulfillment and make it real?

I’m a big believer that understanding what fulfills us – and taking action to create that reality – begins with taking stock.

Taking stock of our interests, our community affiliations, and our contributions. And so much more.

Taking stock serves three important goals:

  • To discover and better understand yourself

  • To begin to articulate what you’re about and how you add value

  • To align who you truly are with what you do for work.

Ah yes – that elusive “alignment” that so many of us yearn for. 

That moment when we can stop pretending, stop being chameleons who shape shift.

And instead be our true selves – a whole person whose skills, talents, growth edges and gifts can all be brought together to serve even more deeply.

Alignment and fulfillment go hand in hand.

And they both begin with taking stock.

This week, I’m diving deeper into this topic and I’d love to have you join me:

Download my 3 Steps to Career Clarity worksheet and follow along on IG Live and FB Live this Wednesday and Friday.

I can’t wait to see you there.


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A Meaningful Career Begins with Meaning


3 Steps to Career Clarity