Friday Finds – October 6, 2017

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Weekends are a great time to clear space – literally and figuratively – and make room for new inspirations and insights to emerge. To spark your own exploration this weekend, here’s what we’ve enjoyed this week:

WHAT WE’RE READING: We’re digging Liz Gilbert’s, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear – especially the ‘permission slip’ she writes us all to live our own creative life – not because it’s our passion or our profession, but because we’re humans. And humans are creators and makers.
WHAT WE’RE LISTENING TO: Tom Petty on repeat.
WHAT WE’RE PLAYING WITH: Cultivating a feeling of neutrality when times get tough.
WHAT WE’RE CURIOUS ABOUT: How might we apply and transform design methods like these to develop tools that support wayfinders? 
THIS WEEK’S MANTRA: You are responsible for the energy you put out into the world.

One way to think about behavior is as our values in action. How do you behave in ways that mirror and reflect who you are and what you care about? Are there times when your behavior is not aligned with what you value? 

This weekend, take a moment to consider how your values show up in the behavior you exhibit and the energy you put out into the world. If you value fairness, for example, consider letting someone merge in front of you on the freeway. And if someone cuts you off in traffic, think about how you might cultivate feelings of neutrality, indifference or even kindness toward that person rather than anger. Easier said than done, for sure – but wayfinding is a process, right? And every step counts.



Understanding Myself: My Personal Inventory


5 Things Yoga Taught Me about Wayfinding