Understanding Myself: My Personal Inventory


ACTIVITY: My Personal Inventory
TIME COMMITMENT: 5 minutes to as much time as you need
MATERIALS NEEDED: pencil/pen, this worksheet and a quiet place to think
TIP: print out multiple copies and use each one to refine your thinking and the language you use. Once you feel ready, share your inventory with a trusted friend and see what they think. Or, share a copy with them to fill out on your behalf! Maybe she or he sees something you don’t.

A crucial early part of any wayfinding journey is understanding yourself. Much like putting your oxygen mask on first before helping others, it’s so important that we understand who we are and what makes us tick before we can start actively signaling and sharing what we’re looking for with the world.

If you’re like me, much of this process of knowing myself has started with making lists. In fact, think of the people in your life who’ve advised you when you’ve been in transition in the past - more likely than not, someone has suggested you make a list:

What are the things you love, they’ll ask, and what are the things you’re great at? Find where they overlap and you have your answer. 

Truthfully, I’ve tried this list many times - and not only has it not gotten me any closer to what I’m looking for, but it’s made me feel bored, frustrated and lost more often than not.

So, when I found myself in a recent transition moment, I wondered: what can I do to turn this list on its head? How can I reinvent these questions to inspire me to think differently, and perhaps be a bit more honest with myself about the answers?

What I came up with is this Personal Inventory questionnaire, which is what I want to share with you.

Download 'My Personal Inventory'.

Once you have the worksheet in front of you, you’ll notice some initial prompts I’ve laid out for how to think about this work. I want to underscore that often we know a lot about who we are and what we love to do, but we’re not always honest and forthcoming with these insights in a way that we can do something about them.

Watch this video for an overview of this worksheet and how to get started.

I hope this helps inspire some new, fresh and honest reflection for you and where you’re heading on your wayfinding journey. As always, I’m open to feedback and hearing how this activity worked for you, as well as what new questions you think this kind of activity should be asking.

And please share this video with friends who you think will enjoy it. Let’s grow our community of wayfinders to support each of us on our journey to align work and life.

Until next time,


Want to chat more about your personal wayfinding journey? Reach out to schedule a call with Ashley.


Friday Finds - October 13, 2017


Friday Finds – October 6, 2017