If you’re wondering, “What now?”

Wanna know the #1 question I hear people asking these days?

“What do I do now?”

It seems everyone – my coaching clients, network colleagues, even my own family members – is picking their heads up, assessing their options, and asking some version of this question.

Like Alice, who felt trapped working under a dysfunctional leader who stole her ideas and undercut her confidence. When Alice signed on to coach with me, her question was: “How do I design my exit strategy?”

Like Mary, who could feel her wasted potential seeping out every day she had to trudge into a job that didn’t align with her passions or purpose. When I coached with Mary, she asked: “What’s a job that will light me up?”

Or like Brian, worried about a layoff and feeling the pressure of his family’s finances – while still holding onto the dream of self-employment. When Brian and I worked together, he asked: “How can I get consulting clients, fast?”

Does this sound like you? Or someone else in your life?

If so, I totally get it. There’s a lot about our current reality that feels unstable and uncertain. It’s normal and even expected that you’d be recalibrating your choices, decisions and priorities.

So if this resonates, here’s my advice:

Pick your time horizon.

Where people get tripped up is they don’t realize they’re trying to solve for two timelines at once.

You can have long term dreams. You can also have short term needs.

But you’re going to struggle to know where to focus, and importantly, what to do, if you’re trying to come up with a solution that works for both time horizons, at the same time.

When I worked with Alice, Mary and Brian – all clients in my 4-week Coaching Strategy Intensive program – 

We cut through the noise and got super clear on the immediate steps they needed to take.

Not only to resolve the problems or frustrations they were facing in the short term.

But to set their future selves up for aligned action and long term results.

Through three hours of hands-on, personalized and creative coaching with me…

🎯 You’ll get laser focused on the decisions you need to make, and why.

🔨 You’ll break down the blocks, doubts and confusion keeping you from getting started.

📋 And you’ll leave with a list of action items and experiments that you’ll commit to doing over the next three weeks.

⚡ And you’ll have me by your side – the whole time. 

Tell me: are you asking yourself “What do I do now”? 

When you’re ready to finally get your answer, I’m here.


PS: What have Coaching Strategy Intensive clients accomplished in 4 weeks? Check out this list.


This is Magic


My 2025 Get Different Experiment