What's Your Biggest Blocker Right now?

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What's your biggest blocker right now – the thing getting in the way of the change you’re looking to make?

I've been thinking a lot about transitions and how life is really just a long string of changes, one after the other.

But knowing that doesn’t make it any easier to deal with!

So many of us (including me) can feel stuck and overwhelmed when we know it's time for a change...and we struggle to get ourselves unstuck.

Sometimes the roadblocks in front of us are real, almost tangible. 

But many times, they actually exist inside of us.

This is something I know a lot about. 

For many years, I’d been wanting to make a change. A change in my career, for sure. But even more than that, a change in my life.

I wasn’t exactly sure what that looked like, but my general sense was that I wanted my “work life” to be aligned with my “real life.”

For anyone who’s ever faced a transition like this – something that’s more of a feeling than an actual goal – you know how ambiguous and confusing and even anxiety-producing this can be!

If the journey of realigning my life was like a road trip on the highway, it didn't take very long for me to hit a pothole and need to pull over.

The blocker I’d hit? Being honest with myself.

Turns out – I had gotten really good, over many years of practice, at saying what I thought other people wanted me to say and doing what I thought other people wanted me to do.

Put it another way, I’d totally lost touch with how to be honest about what I wanted and needed.

Which meant that, to achieve what I was dreaming of, I had to take down the barrier that I’d created for myself and learn how to say the truth.

Not your truth, or his truth – but my truth.

What’s the biggest obstacle standing in the way of you making the change you want?

Is it something outside of your control, or is it something inside you?

I hate feeling stuck. And I hate seeing my clients, friends and family members feeling stuck.

So, to help you get unstuck, this Wednesday 10/7 at 8pm ET, I’m going live on Instagram.

Together, we’ll talk about

• My own experience dealing with my blockers and getting unstuck

• Troubleshooting with you to get rid of what’s blocking you

• Sharing tips and tricks to try out right now.

Let’s get you unstuck and back on the road to achieving your goals. Hope to see you there.


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PS: Want to submit a question anonymously? Send me an email and I’ll reply during the IG Live!


Stop Thinking and Start Doing.


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