How to Create a Life with Meaning

So picture this: it's 5:30am on Friday morning and I'm huffing and puffing on the treadmill (yes, I have officially turned into one of those people who exercises before the sun comes up). 

In my ear buds is the voice of Peloton running instructor Robin Arzón, motivating me to run harder and faster. Out of nowhere, she starts talking about LEGACY, asking:

What kind of legacy do you want to have?

And of course – just like that – I'm hooked.

Let's just say it was a great run.

This week, instead of writing to you about legacy, I thought I'd send over a quick video chat.

My new video series Life Design School is kicking off in a couple of weeks (SO EXCITED), and in the spirit of prototyping to learn – and figuring out the crazy world of YouTube – I thought I'd start before I'm ready, as they say.

Check out my new video: How to Create a Life with Meaning.

In this video, I break down a couple of key ideas:

• You want to have impact in life, but what does that actually mean?

• Instead of impact, think about legacy – and reverse engineer your way to get there

• To explore more about legacy, create a vision board or make an audio journal.

Have a listen and let me know what you think!

What should my next video be about? I'd love to hear from you - leave a note in the comments and let me know.


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Building Confidence to Move Forward


Let's Go Swimming: Curious Exploration