Friday Finds – October 20, 2017


Weekends are a great time to clear space – literally and figuratively – and make room for new inspirations and insights to emerge. To spark your own exploration this weekend, here’s what we’ve enjoyed this week:

WHAT WE’RE READING: How increasing your consciousness can inspire you to reach for your highest potential....and then want to help others do the same.
WHAT WE’RE LISTENING TO: Understanding another person's operating instructions can help co-founders communicate better and achieve success
WHAT WE’RE PLAYING WITH: How to invite our Fear to walk alongside us, but never let it choose the path we take
WHAT WE’RE CURIOUS ABOUT: How might these ideas for creative event feedback inspire us to collect new forms of personal feedback?
THIS WEEK’S MANTRA: “What do you do – when you don’t know what to do?” 

Shared on the Creative Mornings stage, this week’s mantra comes from Harry Pickens, a renowned musician who had to start from scratch after a debilitating illness. Rather than letting his fear and depression take over, Harry chose to tap into his compassion for himself and others as a way to rebuild his life. “In this moment where everything I knew was gone, in that moment I knew I could still choose love. I could send loving intention to another human being...When I harnessed my creative energy in service of compassion, then everything worked better.”

In his talk, Harry asked the audience to contemplate the following questions:

  • When am I most creative? When does my creativity show up, thrive and shine?
  • What do I care about so much that it cracks my heart open?
  • How may I bring my creativity more into service of that which I deeply love, care about – that cracks my heart open?

This week we tackled the deep connection between fear, change and creativity – ultimately learning that love is the antidote to our fears and the enabler of change. 

Next time you feel fearful of the change you’re eager to make, ask yourself: how can I show compassion and love to myself during this moment of transition? How might I acknowledge my fear, make space for it to hang out next to me, but not let it determine the path that I take?

Onward – with love,


Discover, Imagine, Try: A 60 Day Wayfinders Sprint


Change, Fear and Taking Creative Risks